Weekends are sacred. It's the time I get to be with family... real quality time. The kind of time where you get to decide what you are going to do. Not the work week time where you know there are just things you have to do, following others instruction, then coming home to find you have a small window of time before going to sleep to start the process all over again. No, weekends are prized little windows of time. Special time. Yes, I could spend my weekend cleaning, doing laundry, re-organizing, etc... because we all know when you work full time, the weekends are usually the only time you really have to do some of these things...and when you have little ones in the house there are always "chores" to be done. Well, sometimes its okay to just say to heck with it and decide to just relax, lay around in your jammies with your hair in knots, or make a bigger mess than whats already there, or just... be.
Sunday was going to be a day to make and enjoy smiles, and not those regular everyday smiles... no, the big old ear to ear grins and warm fuzzies you have when something is spectacular. What can be more spectacular than making a two year old squeal and jump around with joy and a wee one grin so big you swear he might swallow his own face!?! So that's just what we did.
Sunday was going to be a day to make and enjoy smiles, and not those regular everyday smiles... no, the big old ear to ear grins and warm fuzzies you have when something is spectacular. What can be more spectacular than making a two year old squeal and jump around with joy and a wee one grin so big you swear he might swallow his own face!?! So that's just what we did.
I asked Abbie what she wanted to do. Her response "Shopping". I asked her what she needed/wanted, and she quickly replied "I need stickers." (This kid is all about the stickers, they are everywhere. ) So she got dolled up to go on a mini shopping trip. She wore her favorite color ("kink" - pink) dress and shoes, did her hair, and then smeared as much gloss as she could possibly smear on her little lips. (I love how she says "gloss" with this southern draw...) Because, you see, it is important to look nice while shopping for stickers.

We packed a snack, a cup of juice, and were off to see what we could scavange at Target (love this place - if anything, for their seasonal items - every holiday, you can find me cruising the aisles).

Oh, and did we come back with stickers? No. Completely forgot about the stickers. That's what happens when you get sidetracked by all the shiny baubles like a raccoon.

She is getting so big, so fast.
Busted trying to swim in the water table...
Love when he smiles. His little eyes get all almond shaped and tell just how happy he is. I love how his little toes still curl like a newborns too.
Of course sipping on an ice cold soda in the summer heat is a given, but even better when you treat yourself to gourmet sodas. Either way, everything tastes better outside.
Okay, so the pool is the size of a postage stamp. Little pools for little people. The Littles had a blast splashing around! So amazing to watch them play without a care in the world.
So curious... (his first dip in a pool).
I love watching them learn new things. The proudness in their facial expression when they figure out how somethings done.
I love how when her hair gets the slightest bit damp, it curls. Not just waves, but sweet perfect little spiraly curls. The kind women would pay big bucks for.
Bubbles are one of those classic toy items, that have entertained and put smiles on the faces of so many. Abbie loves her bubbles and has to have the bubble machine turned on just about every time she is in the back yard. Neighbors proably wonder what the deal is with all the bubbles escaping our back yard.
A stormy Sunday swim is a good thing. It brings ear to ear grins, giggles, and little ones with raisin toes.
Everything is good. Everything is right as rain.
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